October Challenge


What a glorious summer! I hope you took the time to enjoy the beautiful weather, absorb some much needed Vitamin D, and take advantage of the fresh air and sunshine! How did it all go by so fast?

For many of us, it can be easy to overindulge in the summer. Maybe you spent a few more happy hours on the patio with a nice cold beer than you meant to, or enjoyed a few too many cheeseburgers up at the cottage. Well with Fall upon us, now is the perfect time to re-establish a healthy routine to set us up for success for the rest of the year. And as always, I am here to help!

This month’s challenge is a big one - it’s called “Stop Procrastinating!”

I want to help you tackle those projects that have been nagging at the back of your mind. Maybe you have been meaning to clean out your closet and finally donate all of those clothes you never wear to charity? Or maybe you want to up your meal planning game and really commit to the Sunday night food prep? Perhaps it’s scheduling a month’s worth of workouts and finally sticking to it or maybe even something as simple as finally organizing that junk drawer.

Well ladies, it is time to Stop Procrastinating!

  • Step 1: Make a list of all of the things you have been putting off and highlight the top three things you can realistically get done.
  • And don’t forget about yourself! Maybe you have been meaning to finally use those benefits and get a massage or treat yourself to a pedicure. Put it on the list!
  • Step 2: Share the list with me, your roommate, your mom, your best friend - who ever is going to help keep you accountable.
  • Step 3: Keep track of your success. If you spend 15 minutes tackling that junk drawer, write it down in your calendar. 45 minutes on that closet? Write it down!
  • Step 4: Earn Points! Let me know at the end of each week how many minutes you spend Not Procrastinating and you could win a fantastic prize!